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edited July 2009 in Vent
Summer's is here... and I'm glad I don't have school and exams are over. <br><br>But I miss my friends. <br><br>The last day of exams, I became seriously depressed for many reasons including:<br><br>-Not seeing the best friends I've had in awhile for 3 months<br>-2 of my best friends are moving away, one to BC and the other to outside the school's boundary. (6 of my best friends have left me since grade 5, 4 years ago)<br>-One of the kids I used to babysit alot 2-3 years ago was just admitted into the hospital with anorexia<br>-I discovered that one of my best friends is depressed as well, for reasons very unlike my own<br>-I have been hiding a huge, massive secret from my closest friends... for 5 years.<br>-This sounds superficial, but... I hate my voice. I can't STAND it. I recently heard a few recordings of my voice, and I hate it. Not only the fact is my voice a tenor instead of an alto or soprano... I whistle whenever I say an 'S'.<br><br>And there are many more which I am unable to share on here.<br><br>I have been feeling cruddy for the past 2 weeks... and I've lost a tonne of sleep. (On average I've slept about 2-3 hours a night) Plus, I've really been overthinking lately, about life, love, etc.<br><br>I have talked to two of my friends about this, and a third a couple things. (But only because he would understand... he's depressed as well, however for different reasons)<br><br>Lately, I've mostly been either emotionally bereft, or sad with occasional violent moodswings.<br><br>I've just stopped looking foreward to anything... nothing is exciting anymore. Sitting at home bored is equally pleasurable as going to a horseshow.<br><br>Thanks for reading, I just really needed to vent.


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