..wrote me a poem.. I don't know where else to put it

<br><br>You come outside, To view the faint sunset.<br>Light bewildered by trees shines through quietly.<br>You glide your soft auburn hair, Perched behind your ear.<br>And in this moment I feel at home, Beneath the interior, You are my humble abode.<br>Your company is soothing, Calming and reassuring.<br>Inside, the wind chimes ring.<br>You saunter and my hearts sings, Bit by bit I begin to recognize the enchanting glow in your subtle eyes.<br>And I realize, you are poetry.<br><br><3<br>My friend Kush (Alex) wrote it. Because he wanted me to use it on a banner..<br>-smiles big grin-
i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .

love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .