The background is much too hard on the eyes.<br>I find that shade of green doesn't go well with the purple.<br>The cutting could be a bit cleaner, or use a Feather/Smudge/Blur tool.<br>You could lower the opacity to blend the Boxer into the background.<br>There isn't much to the banner.<br>Maybe blend things into the background to add flair.<br>You could make the text a bit smaller,<br>and put it off to the side for a classy effect.<br><br>You wanted harsh critique, so don't bite meh head off <br><br>Hope it helps ? (:
I really like it. The cutting is okay, but it could be better. If the text was moved up a bit more it might look better. Also, if you added a border I think that would be a nice touch. Otherwise, I really like it. I like the background a lot
Purgatory's Playground - an original afterlife role play.
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