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edited June 2009 in General Discussion
Nevermind. Never wanted people to critique.. :wink:
i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .


  • Anyone? xD
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • OO that sounds fun but I don't live in a place with wild lizards :(<br>Except I know a place with salamanders<br>But yes it sounds fun Mondy!
    Michael Raymond <3
    10.10.10 10:10 pm <3
  • Very fun :D <br><br>I've never tried catching a salamander. I don't live in an area with them :3<br><br>I live in a Desert area. With many desert lizards. As in more skaley instead of smooth and slippery. >3
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • oo Are any poisonous
    Michael Raymond <3
    10.10.10 10:10 pm <3
  • I stay clear of them x3<br><br>The ones I have caught before are Bluebelly Lizards and Northern Sagebrush Lizards..<br><br>my dad and I have been trying to find an area with Desert Horn Lizards and Leopard Lizards..<br><br>Bluebelly: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... ard-sm.jpg</a><br>Sagebrush: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... oporus.jpg</a><br>(My dad always gets these mixed up)<br><br>and<br><br>Desert Horn: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... ard001.JPG</a><br>Leopard: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>I love Desert Horn Lizards.. but.. we could NOT catch one by hand.. no way. XD We'd have to get a net.
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • You really can't keep a lizard in a 3-6 gallon tank. D; Most lizards that are of desert living need belly heat to digest food. So that means getting a UTH(under tank heater) as a lamp above will not help them. Also most need a moist,cool, and warm hide. A 3-6 gallon tank will not fit all these things. I have also never seen a 3-6 gallon tank that is long enough to house all these things that a desert lizard neeeds and please no cardboard boxes. D=
  • I've talked to my auntie about it, she's a vet and used to do this, and so has my dad. We've already talked about all the things we need to keep them, and we have everything under control, and these are very small lizards otherwise. <.< Trust me. I've already studied this with my Aunt. And at the moment, my cousin (her daughter) is housing desert lizards in a five gallon tank and has been for 2 months :3
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • Poor lizards. D;<br>My 2 leopard geckos have the run of a 20 gallon long tank. They are also small lizards. ;)
  • edited June 2009
    Card board boxes = NO<br><br>Don't do it. -_- I'll beat you up Kibs. Really I will.<br><br>Also, 6-8 gallon? Don't get lizards. Get goldfish. They MIGHT survive in a box that big.<br><br>Also, desert lizards take work too, y'know. =p Humidity, etc. We have a tarantula- a desert SPIDER. Logically, it wouldn't take much more than a box with some dirt and rocks, right? Wrong. We have to keep it at an exact humidity, or she'll get sick. Gotta keep just the right amount of moisture too, and foilage.<br><br>So your "Hey. I know vets. They said this is okay" thing makes me go "Orly?" Do they specialize in reptiles? If so, they probably aren't amazing vets. Most vets don't know much about reptiles, and they know mostly the commonplace stuff such as dogs and cats. Reptiles, birds, and ferrets usually take an "exotic vet's" advice for the proper care. =p<br><br>So.<br><br>Long story short, and the moral of this post:<br><br>Kibs. Don't do it. Just because you CAN doesn't mean you should.<br><br>Once again, let me use my favorite analogy for this situation:<br>Just because you CAN shove two children into a closet (or a refrigerator box) doesn't mean you SHOULD. It doesn't mean they will be safe, healthy, OR happy, all of which an animal should be.<br><br>And don't you dare breed them. Now THAT's a pain in the ass and a half. We let our water dragons breed. Bad idea.
  • I've never hunted lizards, but we used to catch frogs and keep them in an aquariam. XD We caught one that looked like a tree frog one time :lol: Saved it from being eaten by our kitties. :D
  • Mondy, I'd say ok and het something bigger. I got a bunch of unfriendly disaproval on this site for considering putting 1 small lizard in a 10 gallon. I'd try getting a leopard GECKO in a 10, OR a few small fish. Rule is 1 gallon per inch of fish, 3 gallons per inch of gold fish. A 10 could hold 1 goldfish, a 5 could hold a betta and 2 SMALL fish...
    Want a 2 OAK gifty? Go here:

  • i wouldn't hold them in a tank that small,<br>i have a desert lizard she's 12 inches and she has a 55 gallon tank.<br><br>but on the other hand i use to catch anoles when i was younger.
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