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Favourite animal name

When it comes to animal naming in usually a strange one, well, recently that is <br><br>My dog names; (currently no dogs with them)<br><br>Piccadilly (Pica or Dills for short)<br>Arana Bella ( Ara or Belle for short)<br>Moscow (Moss for short)<br><br>Rabbit names;<br><br>Zimbabwae (Zim or Wae for short)<br>Novella (Ells for short)<br>Fazaiah (Zai for short)


  • I have normal names for my pets xD<br><br><br>Emma, Tucker, Gizmo, Clover, Abby, Shelby, etc. <br><br><br><br>But... I love the name Kaiya <3 I will have a French Brittany named that someday xD I dunno that its just my favorite pet name though... its just my favorite name overall.<br><br>I also want a dog name Ulquiorra, just so when I go to agility trials with him, the people reading off the names will be confused xD lmao. >.> No, Im not that mean.<br><br><br>I like Novella :D
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • My pet's names are Gary, Cinnamon, Velvet and Berry.<br><br>All horrible, I know. My dad had worse names for them - Berry was almost Blueberry to him! ><
  • I have Kallie, Izzy, Hopkins, and Clover.<br>xD at Hopkins
    Michael Raymond <3
    10.10.10 10:10 pm <3
  • Lemme think of all the name's we have had...<br><br>Dog- Charlie<br>Fish- Marley, Oscar, Lily, Goldy<br>Birds- Bluey, Holly<br>Bunnies- Floppy, Pebbles<br>Hermit Crabs- Jester, Spiky, Pretty Boy, Rebel<br><br>I had more crabs but i dont think we ever named them.. xD<br>We're not too good at naming... :P
  • <span style="color:darkred">I have a vivid imagination with naming our animals.<br>Or so Im told.<br><br>I honestly dont think there is anything queer about <span style="font-weight:bold">Simea</span> or <span style="font-weight:bold">L'e</span> ..<br>I'll have an Amazon and a Mason someday too. :) </span>
  • <span style="font-size:75">The pets I have are: Madeline, Lily, Charlie, Woody, Eulah, Bella, Tia, Ray, Gobi, Andi.. I think that's it? XD<br><br>But my favorite names are: Ella, Elle, Riley, and Dreamlynn.</span>
  • Dogs-Meg,Faith,Annie,Erin,Shane,Karma,Butter.<br>Goats- Rosemary,Thyme, Lightining, Gurkin, and Rain<br>Cats-Webster.<br>Cows-Darling,Jane,Strawberry,Delany, Delight, Jayden, and Sadie.
  • I have two kitties; tic tac and mittens<br><br>xD
  • *shrug* my horse is named River. My old one was Journey, and if i ever get another animal it will be named Phoenix or Sonnet
  • My pets names:<br><br>My parakeet, white with silver markings, is named Elliepeneski. Yes. Ell-ee-penn-esk-ee.<br>My guinea, grey with white tipped hair, is named Snowflake<br>My dog, multiblend, is named Marvel<br><br>and<br><br>I'm going hunting for Lizards and I'm probably going to name them all after characters in Zelda >=D
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • i got.. <br><br>Dog : Scout<br>Cat : Lucy (aka LucyFER and anyone who knows her knows why)<br>Horse : Blaze<br>Hamsters : Pip & Squeak<br>Cow : Dazzle<br><br>and those are my PERSONAL pets.. not all the family pets
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