holy frikin cow!!! :shock: i don't think mi ipod holds that much..especially with how i keep all mi banner and pic examples on it for when i'm out and about..o.0
LOL! she can sing all of em too. It kills me... we have this whole inside thing that our ipods are refered to as ihops *someone called me ihops once xP* and she tells me that HER ihop has 6 different chains.. my ihop just has a small menu XD
xD I think I have a decent sized menu (if you would like to go by ihops. o.0 xD ) though for the new bands and albums coming out i have to update it every so often. >.> takes about 12 minutes to sync.
lmao. mi dad got mad coz i tried to sync it as we were leaving for kennywood, we were already late and i told him i needed the new songs for the ride there. xD
xD i'm glad i made him wait for it. we went through south-side (many gangs that don't like rock music) so I listened to mostly the r&b and hip-hop music i had just put on it. xD i think i blasted let it rock like 5 times. rofl
*mumbles something about having 4.1 days of music on ipod*<br>And im missing tons from my old laptop... and cds... :P <br><br>Thats only half full too... :roll:
xD well, atleast i'm not on a mission to make a banner for each song in you guyses ipods. :shock: lmao I'd be dead of old age before i got to finish. xDD
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
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