ok, i was feeling really depressed again (more than usual, the bad waves just come randomly. >.> )<br>so here's the poem, please don't steal because this was written whilst in mi major depression state and include all of mi feelings..and it would make me want to go huddle into a corner even more..

<br><br>but anyways, here's the poem:<br> You had said you cared, and<br>You had said you loved me.<br><br>I sat alone thinking of only you.<br>Wanting to see your face again,<br>To keep me from crying.<br><br>I told everyone I was alright,<br>That I was over you.<br>I lied and cried myself to sleep.<br><br>You were wrong,<br>When you thought everything,<br>Would be alright.<br><br>You had said you cared,<br>You had said you loved me,<br>Though now I know….<br> <br>I’ve heard only lies.<br><br>(c) Vampyre Designs/Iseul/Amanda/femalevamp14<br><br><br>and here's one of the banners, I'm going to make a better one when I go to mi dad's. >.><br><br><img src="
http://i43.tinypic.com/b4uy5e.jpg" alt="
http://i43.tinypic.com/b4uy5e.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br>it's pretty crappy isn't it? :?

My Kennel Linkie:
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t