I have a suggestion. I don't exactly think it'll happen any time soon, but, here's an Idea.<br>---<br>Points that you get on the forums that you can convert to VPC, Fame points, upgrades, and Imports [Sponsors Only]<br>---<br>How do you earn these points?<br>~<br>Every 100 posts, you can get 5 points.<br>People can nominate you for points.<br>You can do trades.<br>You can convert VPC into points.<br>Other ideas ?<br>---<br>What is the amount of points for a specific item?<br>~<br>10 Points = 100k VPC<br>10 Points = 5 Fame Points<br>30 Points = 1 Imports<br>5k Points = Upgrade<br>---<br>We could always tweak this, but I think it's a good idea.<br>I'm just phooey at prices and that type of stuff.<br>---<br><br>Likes? Dislikes? It's just an Idea. :]
i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
My Kennel Linkie:
Artists! Submit your work to the VP Lineart Imagebase!