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HUGE Train-off{Ended, Chimes and Tiffer look!}

<span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:purple"><span style="font-size:134">ENDING DATE: August 14th</span></span></span><br><br>So Whiney, Vamp, and Trisscar have decided that it was about time for them to get their dogs trained and what better way to get a lot of dogs trained than holding an awesomeness Train-off?<br><br><br><ol class="bb-list-ordered,bb-list-ordered-d"><span style="color:indigo">Rules:</span><br>*You may partner up with someone. However, you MUST state that in your post. Dividing prizes ((should you win)) is up to you. Not my fault if you get an odd amt. ^_^<br>*You Must have 100 in training to be able to conpete in this contest.<br>*We're not on every day. Please do not complain if you have not received the dog(s) you asked for immediately. We're not robots and we cannot send you the dogs automatically. <br>*Please do not ask for too many dogs at one time, and overwhelm yourself, take a few at a time.<br>*No taking turns without training, we will know.<br></ul><br><br>First I will get your attention with the awesome prizes which we are offering people. First gets first choice, second gets second choice and so on. First gets to choose 3, second gets to choose 2, and third gets to choose 1. If more dogs are trained, this is open to change.<br><br>{ Prizes }<br><br><ol class="bb-list-ordered,bb-list-ordered-d">Also it depends on how many dogs get trained as to how many prizes a person is allowed to pick out by the time this is ended.<br><br><br>10mil tiffer<br>10mil tiffer<br>10mil Chimes<br>10mil Chimes<br>18mil tiffer<br>2 unrelated 9x4 Belgian Malinois male and female<br>Import Superpup<br>9x4 Shetland Sheepdog<br>9x4 Australian Kelpie, <br>2 9x4 Chinooks (1 each) <br>15 banners <br>25 pics <br>8 lines <br>8 colourings <br>Will Add more later....<br></ul><br><br>Okay now that you know what you are working so hard for.... Once you have decided that you would like to partipate in this train-off you must full out the joining form and tell us which dogs you would like sent to you, preferably a link to a certain dog. You will be responsible in posting the completed form and telling us the amount of points you have. If you mess them up then that is your fault and will be your loss. We may double check them if we happen to not be busy but just try to be accurate. Dont forget to add the date & time you started the dog as well as when you finished. Adding your name to the dog's notes will also help.<br><br><br><br><ol class="bb-list-ordered,bb-list-ordered-d"><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">The Point System</span></span><br>1yr of RH - 1pts <br>1yr of Groom - 1.5pts <br>- please include the end age of the 280/200 if included w. the dog. <br><br>280/200 w.o Aggro - 1pts <br>280/200 w. Aggro - 2pts <br>Skills - 0.5pts <br>Stats - 0.5pts <br>0x4-4x4 - 0.5pts ((this includes imports)) <br>Done 24hrs - 0.5pts <br>[tryin' to keep it low so its easier to calculate]<br></ul><br><br><br>If you would like to Join Vamp And Whiney's Train-off:<br>
Player Name - ((This is to the person I'm going to send the dogs to.)) <br>Kennel Link - <br>Dogs You Want - ((dont forget to say who's dogs they are. ))
<br><br>This is the completed Form:<br><br>
<span style="font-weight:bold">Your Name:</span> <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Dog's Links:</span> <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Points (points being ADDED to your total):</span> <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Date:</span>
<br><br><br>Dogs will be posted soon.<br><br><br>The Competitors:<br>dogtrainer101-21<br>RocketDog-22<br>Signa-82.5 <br>Chimes-369.45<br><span style="color:orange"><span style="font-weight:bold">tiffer/buffy- 427.95</span></span><br>Sarah-26.6<br>Clozo-31.5<br><br>The person in first place will be bolded and in color.<br><br><span style="color:red"><span style="font-size:59">The Point System, rules, and results are all copyrighted to Sandpiper.</span></span>



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