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So I am in 4-h and county fair is next month and I need to get my projects started soon or my mom will get mad. So I need ideas on projects I will make a list of the project areas and you can help me figure out what to do.<br><br>Horse:<br>1.Riding my horse at the Fair<br>2.Poster on??????(Idea needed)<br><br>Dog:<br>1.Showing my Dog Daisy<br><br>Vet Science:<br>1.??????-Can be anything related to veterinary science<br>2.I may do 2 so as many ideas as possible<br><br>Woodworking/Metals:<br>1.Box I made in School(will get pics of later to show)<br>2.Something I sort of have a plan<br><br>Performing Arts:<br>1.I want to do a violin solo I just need music<br><br>So just post ideas.
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