<span style="font-size:75"><a href="http://i31.tinypic.com/vzh2z7.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">These</a> are the lines I was planning on finishing? What do you think? Good for Kiniia or should I do a different lineart? c:</span>
I'll give it a try <br><br>Got the line art inked, and I'm going to try and color.<br><br><br>BTW -- I LOVE your art. You're so good at coloring, I can't color anything worth crap :P
For me, everything is done except for the shading. Which actually takes just as long as everything else has so far. 0.o And I'm trying a new style, so . . . it'll be a little while. XD
<span style="font-size:75">Well, I'm going out of state in about a week for another week. I'm not taking my tablet though. :[ <br>If that helps any?</span>
I should have my entry done by the end of next week, I'm on vacation at the moment, but I have the sketch done!! <br><br>I might have two different entries because one is with markers and I have another sketch on my computer.
Alright - thanks Steph and Tiffer for letting me know, can't wait. <br><br>So yeah, as of now Ill say the ending date will be near<br><br>September 6th
So hold off for like 2 more weeks[ish] or are you saying you'll have it done before you live for a week.? D;
<span style="font-size:75"> I only have a week to live? Ohmegawsh!<br>Mostly likely after. I'll try to at least finish lining it before I leave. If I do, I can probably work on it at the hotel since there's a chance we could just be sitting in there while my parents talk to real estate agents and things. c:<br></span>
lol h'okay sounds good <br>I mean Ill say Sept 6th will be the end date for now, but obviously if I see you dont have it done by then, or anyone else who said they'd enter - I'll hold off. XD
>.< I lost interest. XD I was planning to do so much more spiffying-up and all - and this was my first time shading something since I got back into doing digital art, not to mention I was trying a completely different style - so all in all it turned out pretty badly. XD And I was to muse-less to fix it. <br><br>Ah, well. Without shading:<br><br><img src="http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/4979/karissafursonatrycopy.png" alt="http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/4979/karissafursonatrycopy.png" class="bb-image" /><br><br>Oops. I was about to post the "With Shading", but I just remembered I forgot to color the mouth. :oops: XD<br><br>I'll do that, and then post it Sunday. Because tomorrow is a sis's birthday. =D
@ Tina - I love it! It's really simple, but shows her adorable side ;] Thanks for entering.<br><br>@ Steph - I love love love your style - especially done like that. Even though the colors are a bit off - I get the idea, and it looks stunning! <br><br>@ Koshi - Yay! ;D Can't waittt
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