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Changing Dogs' Names

edited June 2009 in General Discussion
Some players might know this trick, others may not. I thought I would share it. <br><br>So I had gotten a new giftie and I went to name it Tarn|| Until the End. I had accidentally forgot the 'e' and named it Tarn|| Until th End. <br><br>What I did after I named it the wrong thing, was hit the back button to go back a page. It showed the name typed into the box. I added the 'e' and then clicked to name it. This actually fixed the name to the right thing. <br><br>I have expected it to say the dog was already named. But it didn't. <br><br>So, if you do that and happen to catch it right away, hit the back buttong to edit it. ;D<br><br>Totally made my day being able to fix it without a ticket. ^-^


  • Buffy figured this out quite awhile back, and figured everyone else knew it already. :wink: <br>But i guess not, definitely saves the ops time =D
  • Ooh, that's very interesting, actually.<br>But, tarn, shouldn't this be under 'tips and tricks'? =P xDD<br><br>thank you for sharing, dear!
  • Eh I thought about it..but thought I would put it here for a little bit. I will put it under tips and tricks later with screen shots. ^-0<br><br>Yeah, Buffy, I remember someone told me about it awhile back and I sorta forgot. And we have lots of new forums players and I bet some dont know. :D
  • <span style="color:darkred">I did! I love it! Sometimes I type too fast and switch the letters of Obernewtyn and then I realise and quickly backtrack. heh. :) </span>
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