Lemme cool off for a second and then vent.<br><br>Ok. Cooled.<br><br>There's this girl... bob let us say. She's always been a pain in the eyeball and just ugh.<br><br>So she's my "friend". Only because our parents and brothers are bffs. >.> Well today after my soccer game it was her soccer game. So I was excited because I usually play defense and not foreward, and I got a goal on foreward. So I had played goaly last quarter. I suck at goalie. I rule at everything else. So I run up to her after she's seen my last 4th and say "Omygoodness I made a goal!!!" Bob says "Oh, yeah. I Saw you play goalie. Even your MOM said that they shoud stop putting you there. Oh, and I'm sorry I didn't answer your text. I was mad because you hung up on my pran call."<br><br>I was very devistated.<br><br>I've cried three times in the past five years.<br><br>Once, when my dogs were put down.<br><br>Another, my mimi's dog had a heart attack.<br><br>Once more, my frog died.<br><br>Today, I cried all the way home, an hour in my room, and off and on in the pool.<br><br>So, I walk up to my mom. Right infront of bob's mom I say "Mom, I'm done. It's over. It WILL drive me insain." And as we walk away she's all like "What, honey?!" and I said "Her." I explained. She said that THAT was NOT something she had to tell me. I told her I knew I sucked at goalie and she could tell me that. But friends are supposed to tell you what your good at. AND THE STINKING PRANK CALL? I'll get to that in a second.<br><br>So my dad and brother are all like "Oh, girls are just hormonal." >.> Hormonal my butt.<br><br>Ok. So her mom said TODAY infront of MY FACE that I just needed to accept that there are winners and losers in this world. There is not a face that I can make with this keyboard that is good enough. Ugh. Just Why?
Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Goals: 13/50million VPC
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!