guess who's back and needs vp cash<br><br>I am doing mostly lineart commishes only because my computer coloring program broke and my scanner kills shading but if you really so desire a prisma color pic we can negotiate that.<br><br>only one example for now haven't drawn dogs in a while<br><br>Spaniel<br><br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br><br>1 mill headshot<br>2 mill full body<br><br>color add an extra mill<br><br>Form:<br><br>Breed:<br>Markings:<br>Postion:<br>Color (if desired):<br>Anything Special? (collars ext):<br><br>5 slots:<br><br>1. 3eagles<br>2. 3eagles<br>3. empty<br>4. empty<br>5. empty
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .