Tomorrow will be my last day online for a little over a week, as I am leaving tomorrow night and I wont be back till a week from Sunday =P<br><br>Im going camping, though... I think I need a break from the computer, lol. Its getting boring around here anyway (Only been off school a couple weeks, and Im bored? I know.. doesnt make sense)<br><br>SO! I will be chilling on the beach soaking up the sun for a week AND I get to go home and visit some friends from my old school. Its been a year since I left there, so, Im really excited to see them again
I need someone in RL to talk to, lol.<br><br>Anyways, obviously I wont be around to get banners/trainings/etc. done, so sorry for the wait on any of those things.<br><br><br>Bye all
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
"Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."