I hate the media. <br><br>They make them look like mean selfish parents, and make Jon look like he has a mistress. When I watch the show, I know that Kate is very choleric (just a personality type) and a very good mother. She has set rules and knows the rules and does not turn back from her rules to make her kids happy. Although she seems mean, I believe that she is just strict--but she has to be! She has 8 flippin children for peter's sake.<br><br>I can also tell that Jon loves his wife and children and wouldn't have an affair. You can NEVER tell that what the media is saying is true or not. He could very well just have a friend who happens to have XX chromosomes. You can't suddenly lose all your guy/chick friends when you get married. That's nonsense. UGH! <br><br>When my boyfriend was still my boyfriend he hung out alone with a lot of girls. I trusted him enough that he wasn't cheating. And if he was cheating, that was his problem that he missed out on what I had to give him. (Not trying to sound conceited but it's true. I wouldn't let his stupidity get to me.) I know he wasn't though.<br><br>The interview where Kate denied her girl, Mady, a drink of water... the press said it was child abuse. O-M-G! Little children that age can't "hold it" as easily as adults. Common sense right there. She's not going to die if she doesn't have a sip of water right then. <br><br>All families have their problems, but because of the fact they're on the spotlight makes their problems look unnatural and way blown up. Not true. If they didn't have cameras on them day and night, they'd be like every other family. :x
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