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STL & Sap's Insane Train-Off! - Ended. Last Post.

>:]<br>Sandeh & Sap’s gone insane in the membrane!<br>**UPDATE 6/18/09: Krolak has joined the frenzy. 20 of her dogs at the bottom of my dog post. Feel free to take her dogs too.<br><br>So, before you keep reading, i'm going to post prizes >:]<br>You’ll be picking from a pool of prizes. First place chooses 3 items from this pool, second chooses 2, and third place chooses 1. We will also be offering VHR cash, if you are interested. I would be willing to trade your VPC prizes for VHRC. If you want, you will also be able to pick from a few birth cap/almost birth cap foals &/or training [not event training]. The prizes are as follows:<br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered">10m<br>10m<br>15m -added-<br>25m<br>25m<br>30m<br>A Neutered CzW Show Dog<br>A Neutered CzW Show Dog<br>A Showmanship Papillon<br>10 280/200s w.o Aggro<br>10 280/200s w. Aggro<br>- more to come -<br><br></ul><br><br>Now that I have your attention, I'm going to explain the really good stuff. You will train as many dogs as possible until Sap or I RUN OUT. ((no... jk. until the end date has come)). I have tons of kennels full of dogs so dont worry about me running out and Sap's even worse... so >;] Good luck lol.<br><br>Once you are ready to participate, please state which dogs from which section you would like. ((links preferred)). When you have finished the dog, please post its link, what you did to it, + the points it earned you in your FIRST POST. Please type fire if you have read this far and earn an extra two points. You are responsible to count ALL your points correctly. If you dont, its your fault and will be your loss. It is not my responsibility to keep track of YOUR points. However, if one of us feels nice enough, we'll double check for you. :D Dont forget to add the date & time you started the dog as well as when you finished. Adding your name to the dog's notes will also help. :D<br><br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered">- i.e: <br>On my first post:<br>1 Dog A -link-<br>RH till 8. - 4pts ((aka. what type of training you did))<br>Start - date & time<br>End - date & time<br><br>2. Dog B -link-<br>RH till 8 - 4pts<br>Start - date & time<br>End - date & time<br><br>Total: 8pts<br>Get it? :D Pretty easy right?<br></ul><br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline"><br>Next, here is the lovely point system:</span><br><br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered">1yr of RH - 1pts<br>1yr of Groom - 1.5pts<br>- please include the end age of the 280/200 if included w. the dog.<br><br>280/200 w.o Aggro - 1pts<br>280/200 w. Aggro - 2pts<br>Skills - 0.5pts<br>Stats - 0.5pts<br>0x4-4x4 - 0.5pts ((this includes imports))<br>Done 24hrs - 0.5pts<br>[tryin' to keep it low so its easier to calculate]<br><br></ul><br><br>Other:<br>- You may partner up with someone. However, you MUST state that in your post. Dividing prizes ((should you win)) is up to you. Not my fault if you get an odd amt >:]<br>- We're not on every day. Please do not complain if you have not received the dog(s) you asked for immediately. We're not robots and we cannot send you the dogs automatically.<br>- Please do not ask for more than a few dogs at a time. Makes everything complicated.<br>- Feel free to mix & match between my dogs & Sap's dogs. :D Honestly, we dont mind.<br><br>Please post the following if you are ready to join STL & Sap's Insane Train-Off!:<br><br>
Player Name - ((This is to the person I'm going to send the dogs to.))<br>Kennel Link -<br>Dogs You Want - ((dont forget to say who's dogs they are. :D))<br>Dogs Finished - ((where you put all that gear I posted earlier :D))
<br><br>Following two posts has all the dogs you can choose from.<br><br><span style="font-size:34">I reserve the right to end this event. Information subject to change without notice.</span><br><br>.:: Sandeh & Sap :twisted: ::.<br><br>
<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Contenders:</span> **Updated: 6/19/09 3:14PM Pacific Coast Time.<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Horse:</span>
pts<br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Bias:</span> 27pts<br><span style="text-decoration:underline">3Eagles:</span> 2pts<br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Kimyo:</span> 68.5pts<br><span style="color:orange"><span style="text-decoration:underline">Sarah:</span> 108.5pts</span><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Tarnish:</span> 10.5pts<br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Ellary:</span> 30.5pts<br><br>The trainer in first place will be bolded & in color.<br><br>
<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:red">**edit 6/17/09:</span></span> there will be a 5pt deduction for any dog you have screwed up. <br>i.e: you RHed instead of groomed. Or when asked to groom, loyalty comes out to only 400 when other trainers have reached over 600. :D<br>Minor skill mistakes will not be counted.


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