Darling, There are cliques on VP. But Then agian where arn't there? <br><br>You should try wording what you said differently because all the sponsers will feel offended and want to speak their minds.<br><br>I myself, hate to be grouped in as a " novice" but I don't need a sponser account. I just don't like how most novices are rude, and can't properly type. I've made over 100 million dollars with my art. I don't think I need to train or breed, ect ect but I don't have a sponser and I'm still typing in complete; thought out sentences arn't I? Some novices don't fit that sterotype, why would you think sponsers do?<br><br>Infact. All My friends are Sponsers. I haven't seen you on VP or on the forums ever, so if your new, yelling about sponsers isn't a good start because alot of them have friends who won't take to kindly to you either.<br><br>Try talking nicely to sponsers, and novices alike. There are bad and good people here. You can make alot of friends if your consiterate, kind, and use your manners. It's really simple.<br><br>But I agree with what Buffy said. You need to earn your respect, it dosen't just come to you. You'll be just fine as long as you lay low from sponser bashing.
You know, I was actually thinking about this a few days ago,,<br>There is cliches on forums, and its mostly for a reason. <br><br><br>Someone [can't recall name after reading all posts] said that its because sponsers lean on each other, help each other and can actually rely on each other because maybe,<br>1. Because they trust not to get scammed; sponsers usually don't scam [from what I've seen] because they've worked their way to get that kennel, or actually spent money- if they scam they know its a pretty good chance they will get banned. [make sense?]<br>2. A lot of people on here have been friends for-- gee idk. maybe a year or more, and it's kind of like having in life friends; they end up meaning a lot to you and can't let them go. <br>3. Also joking around, inside buisness, cute banners for each other, presents, ect. All that gets each other hooked too.<br><br>I get where you're coming from, with the whole cliche thing, but it all comes with reason and its all understandable with no one to blame. <br><br>I don't think I'm really in the "sponser" cliche. I kind of float around to topic to topic. hah, gee I don't even know if I'm known for anything. But, all I know is if you need someone to rely on for some inside help or personal help I'm sure some sponsers out there are willing to lend a hand. <br><br>Hey, you never know- You may end up being in one of the cliches yourself [:
I love hanging out with the sponsors! If it werent for the kindess Middeh, and Horse, and Mouse I'd be stuck with nothing fun to do. If more novices were respectful I think we'd have alot more successful novices. <br>* Not saying there arent rude sponsors
<br><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">Famous since when?!<br>Famous for being mean?! Sounds about right!<br><br>Haha, thank you Veerie. </span></span>
"237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel