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What the heck ever!

edited June 2009 in Vent
UGH I'm so p-oed. This girl Morgan is always rude to me and my friends. She as stolen several of my friends by telling them lies. Now, she stole my friend's phone and starts texting me.<br><br>Morgan: "Wazzup -cant say-? It's Morgan"<br>Me: "Why the heck are you texting me and calling me that?"<br>Morgan: "Cuz you are one, -cant say- =]"<br>Me: "I'd rather be a -cant say- then someone who gets pleasure out of this."<br>Morgan: "I don't care what you say cuz I'm so beautiful and you're so not"<br>Me: "Uh, and I care? Trying to insult me, I find it amusing."<br>Morgan: "-can't say-, please. Why are you being a -can't say-??? What did I do to you!!"<br>Me: "1. You're texting me. 2. You're the one being rude. 3. Why don't you get a life and stop attempting to make mine worse?"<br>Morgan: "I have a life -can't say- you're the one who needs one."<br>Me: "I have one, and I'm ashamed your in it. Stop texting me."<br>Morgan: "Aww -can't say- is getting angrryyyy. Stop being rude."<br>Me: -throws phone at wall-<br><br><br>-_- I honestly wish she would just burn.<br><br>
<br><br>Just now.<br><br>Morgan: "Hi it's your bff"<br>Me: "Since when?"<br>Morgan: "You're the meanest person ever from everyone at my party"<br>Me: "Mkay. Believe that."<br>Morgan: "You're just some VERY UGLY mean wannabe whos friends always talk about you behind your back. I bet you didn't know that. So put in another -don't think I can say- and leave me alone"<br>Me: "With pleasure."
i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .


  • <span style="color:indigo"><span style="font-size:75">Ew, I hate people like that.<br>Last year this girl stole a few of my friends by telling them lies,<br>Then she started talking to me and she put on her myspace that I was jealous of her.<br>Like seriously?<br><br>After a while I just erased her from my whole life. I didn't want any more drama. :)<br>Now, I don't take ANYTHING serious. <br>But I actually like it that way.<br><br>"I have one, and I'm ashamed your in it. Stop texting me." <br>And that ^ was like a great comeback aha. You owned her there. :b</span></span>
  • I hate her. :| She's been doing all this to me ever since 3rd grade.
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • <span style="color:indigo"><span style="font-size:75">Aw :(<br>She sounds like she's just jealous of you.<br>But karma is going to come back and bite her in the butt one day. :) <br>Don't let her get to you. That's how low-lives get their energy. :)</span><br></span>
  • Ughh. Just added two new. When I wasn't even replying before she sent all that. -.-
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • <span style="color:indigo"><span style="font-size:75">Wow she's really pathetic.<br>She's trying to get on your nerves. <br>The reason she sent you more is because <br>you weren't replying and that's her weakness :b <br>People like that get amusement out of making people think down about themselves. <br>Which is sad.</span></span>
  • i would personaly beat that girl up. <br>but yeah your method of just ignoring her is wayy better lol...
  • <span style="color:indigo"><span style="font-size:75">Wow she's really pathetic.<br>She's trying to get on your nerves. <br>The reason she sent you more is because <br>you weren't replying and that's her weakness :b <br>People like that get amusement out of making people think down about themselves. <br>Which is sad.</span></span>
    <br>It's pretty sad. :\ <br><br>
    i would personaly beat that girl up. <br>but yeah your method of just ignoring her is wayy better lol...
    <br><br>I feel like getting to that. But eh. It wouldn't be fair. Boxer VS Wimp e.e
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • <span style="color:indigo"><span style="font-size:75">Just keep your head held high :)<br>Act like she's nothing to you. Sooner or later she'll just give up. :)</span></span>
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