On calming my nerves.<br><br>I went to the dentist today for my three fillings. They gave up on me before they even did the first one becasue I couldn't stop the urge to fight them when they were injecting me with the numbing crap. Almost broke one of their thumbs fighting it when they tried to put the last one in in a very very sensitive place (right between a few teeth.). They thought it was numbed, and it wasn't, and put it in as if it were numbed. And it's a a big needle. Instant flinch, they were NOT happy. That, and i'm extremly sensitive to pain, naturally. My dad is now upset we waited three hours to get me numbed and nothing else was done!
<br><br>Now, he said this;<br><br>I need to stay up until like 3 hours before we go (e.g. all night, 6:00 in the morning bed-time) and take some tranquilizers before we go so my nerves arn't all 'OMG NO INJECT PLZ' next time. Yes, he takes tranquilizers to calm <span style="font-style:italic">his</span> nerves. I only got the first ones done without much because I was dead tierd and went to sleep at like 3:00. XD<br><br>Any advice on how to calm myself down for monday? I don't want to go through that again. I hate getting numbed, it's the worst part of the procedure for me.