<span style="color:darkred">Im guessing this is supposed to go in the tips&tricks probably.<br>but i was unsure as im also asking peoples opinions.<br><br>Anyway. <br>I noticed some people were confused on chat when Nef first spoke to us about the new Super Groom.<br>From my understanding, you only need to train it once per turn and it does all 6 trainings in that one. So its faster than clicking repeat 6 times.<br>Obviously you will only be able to do it for 3 turns before you need to RH or FP (rough house or friendly play) your dog for its mood.<br><br>I find it easier than the other grooming, because its similar to VHR's way of rolling a horse, where you only need to train once per turn as well.<br><br>So I was wondering what others think of it? <br>So far I like it, because its fast for me. Fast is good.

<br><br>Post what you think of it.</span>
training || K9's for bid/sale ||
15/100 mill
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.