DUDE! <br><br>I drove all the way from the dump to my house which was about 10 miles and included the highway. It's a large double-lane highway which means there's lots of semis and cars on it all the time. The highway was really good, it's actually really easy and I didn't think it would feel so smooth. I just had to remember to heed my Dad's advice and do "defensive driving," which is thinking for everyone else on the road because not everyone pays attention. I got that proved to me today.<br><br>I was in the turning lane in the middle of the highway, and there was so much traffic so I had to wait until the light was yellow so I could go. As I was getting into the next lane, I was watching this woman merging in beside me (where she was supposed to yield a.k.a. STOP when there's someone coming) NOT PAYING ATTENTION. I was like, "Dude this chick isn't stopping!" So I had to break suddenly and by accident I turned the other way a little, thankfully nothing too overdone (I didn't hit anything). The woman was in her own little world and didn't notice me one bit. I'm in a white VAN for peter's sake!!<br><br>Anyway, that was really dumb. That could have been fatal if there was someone behind me especially... thank goodness there wasn't, eh?!<br><br>Yeah, my little story for the day. I love driving!
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
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