feel the entire right side of my face.<br><br>Dentist appointment. Not fun. I sound and look like one of those disabled kids, my lips have zero feeling and I have control over them at the moment.<br><br>I need people to send me links to awesome stuff. No youtube, youtube is brokes. I'm looking for stat maxxed studs / broods with awesome colors so I can start my wolf hybrid lines out / add to them. Or just ones for sale.(don't care about stars as of now, as long as they're maxxed, since it's the beginning I can always work to improve them as I go.). preferably cheap, under 60k! Maybe, dogs that arn't stat maxxed but with high star count/birth stats and awesome color that are for sale? 8x4 or more. One or the other.
Artic Wolves, Hybrids or any dog breed will do... not neutered.<br><br>here's a few I've already found for stud/brood;<br><br><a href="
http://www.virtualpups.com/index.php?r=dog/view&id=1365928&view=1" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://www.virtualpups.com/viewdog.php? ... 928&view=1</a> <span style="font-weight:bold">ipod nano</span><br><br>Okay, only one that I havn't used or that's been already shown to me. XD<br><br>(having fun! My face is numb and it's embarrasing to talk because it looks soooo weird. )