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Is anyone a Super genius ancient rome person?! lol

As the title says, I need a super genius. I really do suck at ancient history, and I have an assignment dues in a couple weeks that i need to start. so any help would be soo muchly apreciated, like if anyone knows of any good sites etc, to help me out with my topic. Thankyou Eksi<br><br>Ok so my topic is: Analyse the career of Julius Caesar and asses how much his actions contributed to the creation of the Principate of Augustus.<br><br>Thankies again.


  • 0_o im a history buff and wow that seems a little hard for me wow good luck sorry i cant help much tho.
  • aww thanks for trying Labby do people call you that? hehe<br><br>But yeah im in last year of high school this is my mid semester assesment. Stupid class I can't believe I got stuck in it... at least ive only got including this week and not holidays and what not... 16weeks till graduation! WOOO!
  • labby i like it XD is your school all year round?? did you try to google the question?
  • Labby it is!<br><br>I havent googled it I decided if anyone was a super genius they could probally help better and faster than google.<br><br>Well I dont know what country your'e in but i live in australia, and its bloody freezing down here haha. So my next holidays coming up are only for 3 weeks. (thats your longer summer break) then we go into 3rd term, then have another 2 weeks then 4th term, then when thats over we get 9weeks summer holiday. then start a new grade the next year. hope that make sense...
  • im in the states...some of our schools are like that here.. luckily my school is go to school for 18wks 2wk break go to school for 7wks one week break go to school for 11wks then summer break for last week of may all of june july and half of august
  • wow thats crazy, the school i go to, and well its pretty much all the same here in queensland (other states start a week early or a week late) we start in last week of january or first week of feb, go for 11 weeks then have 2 weeks off, then go for 10 weeks with 2 week block exams, and have 3 week holidays then next term is 8 weeks then we go into final exams this year for our OP scores, then 2-3weeks holiday then come back for another 4 weeks, that include our formal (you guys call it a prom im sure) and then graduation. and then.... SCHOOLIES!!!! you guys probally dont know what schoolies is either... <br><br>Schoolies: Queensland gets the first week. It's an end of school/yr12 celebration we all go to the coast stay in hotels and there are free concerts on and all that, its pretty much a week long party. Then NSW and Victoria get the next 2 weeks, then the rest of the states get the last week, so whoever lives on the coast pretty much goes into lock down for a month when all the schoolie kids come and party hehehe. Do you guys have anything like that?
  • that sound fun a whole week on the beach sounds like our college spring breaks.
  • They could be like that yeah... I dont really know haha >.< Ill have to do an exchange program or something
  • deff.. i had an oprotunity(sp?) to do an exchanged program once but my rentals wouldnt let me so sad lol..
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