What I'm about to say is quite random so bear with me.<br><br>I'm bored right now, and trying to think about what to post, and I just thought of this.<br><br>I need a nickname. Yes, random, I know.<br><br><span style="font-style:italic">But....</span> my forum name is <span style="color:red">iluvdogs111</span> which in my opinion is stupid. When I made the account I thought it would just be used to login and not viewed by other players. (Stupid me.)<br><br>It's to much of a pain for people to call me <span style="color:red">iluvdogs111,</span> so I need a nickname that people can call me on the forums instead of iluvdogs...blahblahblah.<br><br>Any suggestions?
Goals: 13/50million VPC
10.10.10 10:10 pm
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
training || K9's for bid/sale ||
Goals: 13/50million VPC