Very cute, Shameh!<br><br>I have some critique/tips, though.<br><br>Use the lasso tool & feather the edges some so it doesn't look so choppy. (Will post tutorial later, I'm tired...)<br>Use a more clear font with a bit of a better color so it's more readable.<br><br>Is this your -first- banner?
Feathered edges are your friend, remember. Also, don't be afraid to use the eraser. =3<br><br>Easier fonts and colors are good, especially when trying to use pink-on-pink like that.<br><br>And, I'm not sure if it's supposed to be spelled that way, but did you mean site or sight?
You need to use the feather edges as people say, or else it looks choppy and.. just like it would on ms paint. The colors are very bright, making it not pleasing to the eye. The text is barely readable, and the bright red doesn't exactly mix with the green and pink. And maybe before putting the picture on, you could use color effects on it to make it go with the colors of the background more.
i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
thanks for this. i'll make sure to do better next time hopefully.<br>Oh and Ludie this isnt my first one. I was preety good but then i forgot most of it XD
your concept is pretty good, i think your using....gimp? correct? anyways, instead of the random rainbow streaks, try lowering the opacity of the brush and blend it to the background, another thing I like to use is the "color to alpha" option under Layers - transparency. If you paste an image on your background, do the color to alpha and it adds a different look to your image, Takes some getting used to, but you'll get it! Kepp up the good work and don't be afraid to mess around with filters
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Training Boarding
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .