<span style="font-size:75">There should be a warning label on all dogs pages saying <span style="font-weight:bold">!WARNING! EXCESIVE TRAINING MAY LEAD TO</span>:</span> <span style="font-size:67">blurry vision [see what i mean!!], kidney damage, headaches, butt aches, irritability, addiction, and in rare cases, insanity.</span><br><br><span style="font-size:75">Secret has found that training can be rather hazardous to your health. Especially when you are slaving away for people like Buffeh with all her evil 'ports. I myself have experienced all of the side effects of non-stop training. Like right now, Im starting to get a headache, my butt is numb, and my bladder is screaming, but i refuse to leave my chair until Buffeh's dog is trained. Its a real problem...I think Secret needs to seek psychiatric help. Has anyone else suffered or is currently suffering from the terrible side effects training has brought upon us?</span>