<span style="color:darkred">We have a music thread, so why not a movie thread!<br>Post your fave movies and what you want to see.

<br><br>I went and watched Terminator Salvation yesterday; Ive only ever seen the first one. When I was asked; I just said. Sure, why not. Lol.

<br>It was actually pretty awesome. And I cant wait to buy it on DVD.<br><br>I have a lot of spare time most weeks because I normally work in the afternoon. So sometimes I go to the cinema (by myself) and watch whatever looks awesome.<br>Ive already seen Xmen Wolverine and Fast and the Furious.<br>And the next 3 movies will be:<br>24/6 - Transformers 2<br>25/6 - Hannah Montana (i dont even like the show, i just like her songs. haha.. i have issues.)<br>15/7 - HARRY POTTER! (im so excited :shock: )<br><br>So yeah. <br>I couldnt choose 1 favourite movie, so a couple will have to do.<br>All the HP ones. Twilight. The Italian Job. Oceans Thirteen. LOTR3. Shrek. All of the Xmen ones. Erm. Transformers 1. HSM3. StepUp 2. Blade Trinity. <br><br>Thats all I can think of. You see why I have trouble choosing just one?</span>

love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
10.10.10 10:10 pm
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