<br><br>The only Irish Setters in the puppy match were his whole litter xD<br>So, it was fun to see who will be the real competition as they get older ;]<br>Ozzy got second and lost to one of his brothers.<br>However, my aunt, who bred him, said that he definately should have gotten it.<br>He's the best mover out of the entire litter, and is probably the prettiest (by breed standards i mean) <br>I have high hopes for him ^_^<br>I only got him because he had the most personality out of the boys xD<br>Guess I picked a good one eh?
<br><br>The only Irish Setters in the puppy match were his whole litter xD<br>So, it was fun to see who will be the real competition as they get older ;]<br>Ozzy got second and lost to one of his brothers.<br>However, my aunt, who bred him, said that he definately should have gotten it.<br>He's the best mover out of the entire litter, and is probably the prettiest (by breed standards i mean) <br>I have high hopes for him ^_^<br>I only got him because he had the most personality out of the boys xD<br>Guess I picked a good one eh?
We strive to breed nd show Good Deerhounds in Conformation nd Showmanship
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