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Giant Panda Colored Bearded Collie

edited June 2009 in Auction
I swore id never do this but mucky is soo skint that she needs too!<br><br>Giant<br>Panda<br>Bearded<br>Collie<br>Giftie<br>Never <br>More <br>Than <br>Mine <br>And<br>Yours <br>:(<br><br>or <br><br>GPBCGNMTMAY:<br><br>Will come NEUTERED<br>Nothing anyone can say or do can change my mind.<br>Puppy will come trained as i cant bear to see part of my line untrained<br>Will also come named but you get to pick the name :D<br><br>Papa Bear: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>Mama Bear: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; (to make your pup better stated)<br><br>SB: You pick <br>MI: 500k<br>BIN: 25mill (To keep bids going)


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