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*Breed to Specialize

I need a breed to my kennel breed, the breed I specialize in. The breed I have many generations from and more to come. A breed I can be proud of, love, and a breed I'd want to have in real life. Also, a breed that I can show off and compete against other awesome breeds. Since there are so many breeds I like, please vote! Thanks. :D<br><br>** means it's a big possibility that this breed with will be 'the one.'<br>* means I'm not about to beg & plead for you guys to vote at all for this breed. Not likely to be 'the one,' but you never know.<br><br>German Shepherd**<br>American Pit Bull Terrier<br>Golden Retriever - 2<br>Rhodesian Ridegback* - 3<br>Jack Russell Terrier*<br>Wolf Hybrid


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