I need a breed to my kennel breed, the breed I specialize in. The breed I have many generations from and more to come. A breed I can be proud of, love, and a breed I'd want to have in real life. Also, a breed that I can show off and compete against other awesome breeds. Since there are so many breeds I like, please vote! Thanks.
<br><br>** means it's a big possibility that this breed with will be 'the one.'<br>* means I'm not about to beg & plead for you guys to vote at all for this breed. Not likely to be 'the one,' but you never know.<br><br>German Shepherd**<br>American Pit Bull Terrier<br>Golden Retriever - 2<br>Rhodesian Ridegback* - 3<br>Jack Russell Terrier*<br>Wolf Hybrid
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Some of you owe me cash - so check your CONTRACTS!!
luv, scotch (who is very much FEMALE, everyone. FEMALE.)
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!