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new banner .. critique?

edited June 2009 in Artist Alley
<img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>thoughts?<br><br>took me about 10 minutes :]<br><br>images from flickr.<br><br>please say what you think, good, bad, any changes?
((: ... anqel'


  • <span style="font-size:75">Wow, it's really amazing.<br>It only took you 10 mins? </span>
    It's that obvious. :]Yet, you have no idea.
  • I love it. One thing I say to crit. is in some spots it is hard to read the text. Maybe a different more bold color or different font would make it easier. :) It's amazing though
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • huh. 10 minutes, yeah.<br><br>i always have problems with the text, where to put it, color or font.<br>for this banner, i didn't really choose a colour theme, so i left all pics in their original colours.<br><br>thanks people :)
    ((: ... anqel'
  • ?<br><br> :arrow: <br><br><br>how come i only ever get 2 people critique ? x3 lmao.
    ((: ... anqel'
  • I agree about the text being hard to read, maybe you could outline with black or something?<br><br>Other than that it's gorgeous x3
  • It's pretty, I must say (:<br>But the text is much too hard to read.<br>Just play with that a bit, and I'm sure it will look stunning =D
    name is britti elizabeth :D
  • yah, lol.<br><br>thank you. :)<br><br>i tried the text blue, black, but white is the one out of those which showed up best lol.
    ((: ... anqel'
  • Maybe you could have someone else put the text on for you? :P That might work. I've done that for Wheatums. xP
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • It's amazing! But I agree... the text is a bit bright and hard to read... maybe like a 1 pixel black outline or something?
  • thing is on photoshop, the 1px outline doesn't go on text.<br><br>ill work on it next time though!<br>thanks everyone!
    ((: ... anqel'
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