I love your background and style, but your cutting could use some work. what program do you use?<br><br>Also, the text looks kind of blocky and ugly on a couple of them, try not putting so much black behind it and only outlining the text, not painting behind it if that makes sense lol
thanks for the critique everyone!<br><br>@Hose-Frog-Pickle: Thanks! Glad someone likes it... I might put it as a style on my selling page.<br><br>@Jazz: I understand completely! Thanks for the corrective criticism I use GIMP for the banners, and some of the piccy's are hard to work with... maybe I should stick to pics with solid backgrounds lol They might cut easier <br><br>@Moss: Thanks! Glad you like them!
Oh you use GIMP? lol. Ok for cutting, you use the lasso tool or the eraser? If you use the eraser, don't xD Use the lasso, and when using the lasso check the box that says "feather edges" and set it to about 10-15. That should work.<br><br>If that didn't make sense I can provide you with some screenies if you want
<span style="font-size:75">I used to use intelligent scissors allllll the time. But they make for really choppy work. D;<br>I use the eraser. Never tried the lasso tool.<br>Nice work.</span>
I personally don't like the 6th one, because the text is all blocky, the picture doesn't exactly make sense, and it looks like it was just on paint.<br><br>The new one is great, I don't really have any crit for it.
i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
Mondy: Thanks for the critique! The 6th one is one of my old ones... I don't really like it either, I was just pulling banners off of my photobucket accounts to see what I need to add or not add to my new banners... <br><br>Buffeh: You of all people should know that I have NO CLUE what a commisions post is... care to explain?
I know, I'm fixing to post your first one lol as soon as I get back on my laptop... don't worry, you'll love it! And I MIGHT make a Commisions post later then. :P
in love with the zebra. lol, it's just too adorable and colourful! <br>and i use the smart scissors all the time, you can set feathering on that too, mine's usually at 25 or so.
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
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My Kennel Linkie:
My Kennel Linkie:
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
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My Kennel Linkie:
My Kennel Linkie:
My Kennel Linkie:
My Kennel Linkie:
My Kennel Linkie:
My Kennel Linkie:
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
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My Kennel Linkie:
My Kennel Linkie:
My Kennel Linkie:
My Kennel Linkie:
My Kennel Linkie: