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Looking for Donations for VP Olympics

edited June 2009 in General Discussion
I'm planning to host the VP Olympics again this summer. So time to look for donations for prizes :) Donations should be something that is easy to split such as VP Cash :) Also hoping to pick up some dye and upgrade offers for grand prizes :)<br><br>There will be 10 groups, so 10 sets of prizes. Please keep this in mind if you decide to donate something that can't be easily split such as dogs, trainings, art etc, please donate them in groups of 10.<br><br>The top dogs in each group will compete against each other in every event for grand prizes.<br><br>Each group will compete in 4 shows, events with an asterik (*) beside it will be repeated. For example Group 1 will have 2 Agility shows, and 1 show each of Flyball and Hunting, while group 6 will have 4 mushing shows.<br><br>The groups are set as follows:<br><br>Group 1 - Agility*, Flyball (based on individual times not team scores), Hunting<br>Group 2 - Assistance Trial, Schutzhund, Search and Rescue, Tracking<br>Group 3 - Canine Disc, Dock Jumping, Field Retrieve*<br>Group 4 - Obedience*, Showmanship*<br>Group 5 - Cattle Herd***<br>Group 6 - Mushing***<br>Group 7 - Racing***<br>Group 8 - Weight Pulling***<br>Group 9 - Herding***<br>Group 10 - Conformation***<br><br>Prizes will be given out for first, second and third in each group. Lower placings will receive prizes if donations allow for it.<br><br>You will be limited to entering ONE dog per group<br><br>Cash donations should be sent to -Oriyana- kennel # 49537 This is the future home of the VP Olympics Club :)<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Donations</span><br>Oriyana - 20 Million VPC *accepted<br>a-sap - 50 Million VPC *accepted<br>Horse - paypal dye<br>Nutty McQuackedOut - two dyes<br>Aziu - 10 Million VPC *accepted<br>Xaetian - 20 Million VPC *accepted


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