Thats (bids placed over 60 Mill.) a bit high for an already made kennel, that only has 7 mo. and 10 'ports left. I just sold a brand new, unmade upgrade for 85 Mill. So you -may- not get too much more, especially if the Reserve hasnt been met.
Stolen 6.3.2009. Hoping everyday to finally be reunited with my baby. I miss you Dodger!
<span style="font-size:75">Im aware, but most people dont sell there kennels till they have 3 or 4 months, no imports, no changes, anything. Plus, I am slightly reluctant to sell it because im really starting to grow fond of VP again. So Im going to want a little more money for it. And plus the reserve is very close to being met.</span>
<span style="font-size:75">I dont think it was necessary to tell me what you were retracting your bid for, because I dont care.<br><br>But thats alright, the newest HB is BlueFang57 at 62 million</span>
i am retracting all my bids sorry as i dont like the way you are speaking to sticka, as your expectations are really high, and players dont sell them when they are 3-4 months old you get a 2 month old kennel with 20 imports for about 55 milly
<span style="font-size:75">Once again, I dont give a damn why anyone retracts their bids, especially for such as stupid reason as that.<br><br>Okayy, soo BlueFang57 has the HB for 62 million.<br><br>This auction is ending today, in a few hours, maybe sooner...</span>
<span style="font-size:75">THIS AUCTION HAS ENDED, IT WAS BINED BY SOMEONE IN THE GAME.<br><br>Thanks to everyone who bidded, and didnt retract them...<br><br>-Secret Dreams</span>
Stolen 6.3.2009. Hoping everyday to finally be reunited with my baby. I miss you Dodger!
Stolen 6.3.2009. Hoping everyday to finally be reunited with my baby. I miss you Dodger!
Stolen 6.3.2009. Hoping everyday to finally be reunited with my baby. I miss you Dodger!