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Fishy names and breeds!!

Hello there!<br><br>Well I asked my mom for a fish yesterday and she said no. But I made a deal with her, if I show responsibility for 2 weeks then I can have a fish! <br><br>So, I need to know what breed I should get (but not beta I have bad luck with them :cry: ) Im thinking about a neon tetra. But preferably something that does not die easily and also freshwater (unless you convince me that saltwater isn't hard to manage). I will be keeping it in a small fish tank in my room. Also any name suggestions would be great.<br><br>-edit-<br>How about a guppy?<br><br>Thanks in advance :D


  • Tetras are schooling fish and should not be kept alone. How big is the tank? Zebra Danios are fairly hardy but they are also schooling fish. <br><br>What about a fancy goldfish? I'm thinking about getting some of them! :D<br><br>Congrats on possibly getting a fish! :D
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • Goldfish should have 10 gallons per fish, just saying. How about guppies? But just get the males because they breed like crazy. They are pretty sturdy and very pretty.
  • I think the main question should be what size of tank do you have? Tank size can help us to suggest what you should get.
  • 2.5-3 (not sure)
  • There really isn't much that is suitable for a 2.5 gal. A single betta is best for that size. Goldfish need a good 5-10 gals each. Most smaller fish need to be in schools. I'm not up one a lot of fish so maybe some others can chime in.
  • I have a 10 gallon too but it is a bit old
  • well for 1 most freshwater tropical fish need a heater and filter the only one that doesn't is a betta other then that the fist will have a hard time surviving at room temperature. Right now I have a 30 gallon and 2 10 gallons that are tropical freshwater fish Danios are by far one of the best fish but can be kind of spastic but I still love them. The 10 gallon would be best if you want to do something other then bettas. I have more info if you want it just pm me.
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