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Font for Story :)

Okay, here's what I mean...<br><br>I am a font freak. When I'm typing/reading, it has to be in a good, clean, but cool font otherwise I put down the book and curse at it. xD<br><br>I am not a fan of 'Century Gothic' nor 'Bookman Style'. 'Times New Roman' annoys me. 'Garamond' is okay, I'm just not a huge fan. My favorite so far has been 'Palatino Linotype' I think it's called. (Sorry if I got any of the font names wrong).<br><br>I'm writing a story on my Microsoft Office Word, and I can't find a good font. I've looked through all the ones that were in my computer and even downloaded new ones... but none work. None are what I'm looking for at all. xD I know that sounds weird, but I have a font obsession and I need just the right one.<br><br>Anyone have any suggestions?<br><br>(P.S. The main thing I look at in a font is the questions marks. Why? I do not know. If they're too plain or weird, the font is totally scratched off my list. *edit* Please only suggest SERIF fonts. ;))<br><br>Suggest away -- PLEASE! xP<br><br>Suggestions:<br>1. Arial<br>2. Tahoma/Verdana<br>3. Calibri<br>4. Paramount *My favorite so far. It's what I'm using currently. :D<br>5. Eras Demi ITC *Pretty, but where to download?! xD<br><br>-Ludie/Regretted Roses the font weirdo.<br></ul>


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