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Online Status and Messaging

edited May 2009 in Game Suggestions
Thanks for reading :)<br><br>Well im new and have only been playing since the end of April. But i ont come on too much. I have noticed that when you view some bodys kennle, it does not say if the person is <span style="color:green">Online</span>. I am at heart a VHR gal xD But i thought this would make messaging more efficiant, as well as general play.<br> :D <br><br>And one more thing xD On the messaging icon (the kennel), in my opinion it would be easyer if the icon displayed the amount of messages you have recieved whilst you are busy/away?<br> <br>:D<br><br>I dont know if any of these topics have been discussed before, but i interested to see what other gamers think about my suggestions? :) <br><br>Thanks, Kristie.<br>Ingame - Ripple


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