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Eesh. -_-

edited May 2009 in General Discussion
Anyone else live in earthquake country?<br><br>One just happened. My friend got hit in the head with a book. [That was actually pretty funny, I just about died laughing. xD]<br><br>I would say it was around the 3.0's.. but I'm no expert. xD<br><br>But it was scary. D:<br>My dogs were going crazzzyy.<br><br>The earthquake jacked up our flashlight! D:<br><br>Well.<br>Anyone else have any interesting stories on earthquakes? xD


  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">I fell and hit my head on the coffee table when one happened once... But other than that, nothin. :P </span></span>
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">I fell and hit my head on the coffee table when one happened once... But other than that, nothin. :P </span></span>
    <br><br>Oh psh.<br>you should like, come live in southern california with me.<br>Then you'd have more stories to tell. xDD
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">I live about 3 hours away from San Diego... I'm towards the border :roll: <br>Nothin much down here but dust *sneezes* :lol: </span></span>
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">lmao!<br>The book thing is funny.<br><br>I was going to Maui for a 2 week vacation.<br>We got there late at night, so we went to sleep as soon as we got into our room.<br>And the next morning we were up by 5 am because of the time difference.<br>And there was an Earthquake around 7.<br>The very first day of our holiday. xDDD<br>It was a 7.9 but we didn't get it too bad, not a lot of damage since the epicenter was near the big island, but we couldn't get to a few of the tourist spots we had planned on seeing because there was damage to the bridges you had to cross.<br>And the power was out for the day. xD<br>But that was fine, we just went shopping. lmao<br><br>AND! I got an 'I survived the Earthquake' shirt. 8D<br><br>But, being in Alberta, this was a really big thing. lmao<br>No natural disasters ever happen here. Well.. tornadoes can but that's an extremely rare thing.<br>Which is a good thing, but it just makes it exciting having been in an earthquake.</span></span>
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • Yeah. We have small earthquakes. And then big ones. xD Mostly during the late fall & summer. 0.o idk why. But yeah.<br><br>One time I was at my best friend's house and we were running around and then her mom got back from her grandma's and she's like "ARE YOU GUYS OKAY?? Oh my god! The house is a reck!!! Did anything get hurt??" and we're like "...o.o...what?"....lmfao..we didn't know there was even and earthquake. and it was a 7.6. XD
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • We only get little ones once every like...3 months? So little you don't even notice them, especially if you're asleep. XD<br><br>Just little tremors.<br><br>I wish my life was more adventurous, with earthquakes and such XD
    **If I win anything, please PM me.
  • Once one happened and I was asleep. I woke up to seeing all my toys (yes I said toys! I have knick-knacks) Shaking off the shelf, my Domo fell on my head. Thank goodness it wasn't something harder. xD
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  • I used to live in western MO, right near the border between that and Kansas, and we'd get some tremors occasionally, nothing major and not very often though.
  • <span style="font-size:92">The worst we had ever was a little tremor a while back. Nothing more. We never get anything bad where I live in WI. We did have a tornado here a couple years ago, maybe two or three. I can't remember. It hit my town. But we were out of town when it happened. xD</span>
  • I'm in Southern California and I didn't even feel it DDD=.<br><br>I like earthquakes xD.
  • Lol now that Snad mentions it, we had tornadoes a lot more often than earthquakes. We had a couple little tremors but nothing major and you could hardly feel it. Tornadoes on the other hand we got quite a bit.
  • I've only been in one my whole life. It was like 4:30am and I woke up cause my bed felt like it was tryin to dance. And personally I was scared IT or somethin' was under there so I went screamin through the house and jumped in my parents bed xD *I'm cool* And my dad was like ''Calm down, it was just an earthquake'' I think it was somewhere around a 4. somethin' maybe? It was fun though. Even though I was dead tired at school cause I wouldnt go back to sleep. Nobody got hurt by it. But there was an aftershock while I was at school and I was walking down the hallway and fell on my butt xD
  • This is actually a really sad/scary earthquake story but, a group of students from my school went to Italy this spring break for a learning experience thing. And their plane landed like a mile away from where that huge earthquake happened. We couldn't get a hold of them for a long time, cellphones weren't working, and we didn't know if they were alive or not because of how many buildings and people died from it. But it turned out no one got hurt from our school ^.^
    Please PM if I win anything.
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