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I wish I had a time machine...

edited May 2009 in General Discussion
I wish i had a time machine to go back to the happiest time in my life and stay there. Now I know nothing can stay the same forever, but I wish it could. i find my self wishing this more and more each day. <br> <br> I wish to go back 6 years to were I had my simple life. A childhood love, two best friend. My Nala puppy and Merlin Cat <span style="font-size:75">(R.I.P you two. Know I will always love you)</span> and my Perrin butt. snow every winter, and blockparties every summer.<br> <br> I would give back my three current cats and pets (minus Perrin) and all my friends. If I thought it could help I would give up may parents too. <br><br>I Would Give <span style="color:darkred">Everything</span> to go back 6 years and stay there the rest of my life/eternity.<br><br>Would anyone else give every thing to go back to when they were happiest?


  • Nuh uh.<br><br>What i've done in my life has made me who i am today.<br>I wouldnt change a thing and would never want to go back.<br> :wink:
  • I see what you mean and it make since... <span style="font-size:59">I think I would go back anyway, becuse I miss my pets and friens that understood me. </span>
  • Not really.<br>I see the idea, but experiences are what create you. If I were to go back in time, I have a loong list of mistakes I'd want to change, but then I wouldn't be the same person.
  • I would love to go back to December 22nd 2007, knowing what I know today, I would just love to have gotten a chance to pet Sunny one more time, to tell her I love her one final time.
  • <span style="font-size:92">I would like to go back to March 2007, and then forward to late May 2007, knowing what I know today, just like Wheaty wants to go back. I'd be able to let my sisters say goodbye to their friend, and then we could have all said goodbye to my dad's girlfriend and my grandma. I wouldn't want to try to save them, because I believe everything happens for a reason, but I would have loved a last chance for us all to tell them goodbye and that we loved them. </span>
  • The way I see it, life's as happy as you let it be. We can't live our lives in our past, feeling upset that we can't live that time over again. I spent several years of my life depressed about one of my moves and the happy life I had then. I missed being little, playing with my older brothers who hardly talk to me anymore and my old house and neighborhood. But now that I've let go of all that, I'm happy. And it's nice :) I was miserable for so many years because I refused to look ahead at my future and leave my past behind. Have you ever heard the saying "what's past is past"?<br><br>Just some friendly advice x3 But I know what you mean. It would be nice to go back and change some things, I guess...
  • i've had times where I wanted to change things in my past, <br>but the way I look at it;<br>If I changed anything, i wouldn't learn from the experiance;<br>even if its a pet or friend - i would be blind to life
  • I wanna go back. ;.; I lost all my friends on the journey of 'life' which nowadays I find hell. e.e
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • Heck yes, I'd go back xD Just for a little while though, I don't think I'd want to stay forever. It might get a bit boring :P
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