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The Bunny Slaves of VP



  • Avla wrote:
    <br>yaa... no show is worth an animals life <span style="font-weight:bold">(except chicken shows)</span>
    <br><br>I beg to differ. ;) I love my Kirby and chickens in general (very intellegent, loyal birds) I plan to get more chickens and eventually show them. <3 (not terminal though)
    <br>sorry im prejudiced against chickens. Ive gotten 70,000 chickens every 6 weeks for the last 9 or 10 years... plus the 5 times ive gotten 30 MORE to show in the pountry festival and they NEVER win. So chickens are just blah to me
    <br><br>Just because they don't win doesn't take away the fact that they are great, smart, etc. pets/animals. :D
  • Avla wrote:
    Avla wrote:
    <br>yaa... no show is worth an animals life <span style="font-weight:bold">(except chicken shows)</span>
    <br><br>I beg to differ. ;) I love my Kirby and chickens in general (very intellegent, loyal birds) I plan to get more chickens and eventually show them. <3 (not terminal though)
    <br>sorry im prejudiced against chickens. Ive gotten 70,000 chickens every 6 weeks for the last 9 or 10 years... plus the 5 times ive gotten 30 MORE to show in the pountry festival and they NEVER win. So chickens are just blah to me
    <br><br>Just because they don't win doesn't take away the fact that they are great, smart, etc. pets/animals. :D
    <br>Its not cause they lost. It is a terminal show because around here we have lots of cases of bird flu. So they are terminated so it doesnt spread to the huge amount of chickens around where i live.<br><br>oh and just so this dont start nothing lol.... i must put a disclaimer =3 <br>i am not saying any of this to be rude. And i know you arent either. This is in the tone of a friendly discussion and i dont mean to be rude if i seem it *but i hope im not lol* I understand that you are just stating an opinion.. as am i...and were calmly discussin it =3
  • tiffer wrote:
    tiffer wrote:
    Wait i was reading what you said vampy .<br>And what does terminal mean?<br>xD
    <br>terminal = kill the animals after the show
    <br>:o<br>Thats bad!
    <br><br>yaa... no show is worth an animals life (except chicken shows)
    <br><br>I also disagree. Not even a chicken show is worth the animals life. Chickens are an animal too.
    Breeding Kennel | Professional Graphics since 2006 | Holding Kennel
  • tiffer wrote:
    tiffer wrote:
    Wait i was reading what you said vampy .<br>And what does terminal mean?<br>xD
    <br>terminal = kill the animals after the show
    <br>:o<br>Thats bad!
    <br><br>yaa... no show is worth an animals life (except chicken shows)
    <br><br>I also disagree. Not even a chicken show is worth the animals life. Chickens are an animal too.
    <br><br>im sorry. i just dont see it that way. *shrugs* but i DO plan on having some pretty layin hens in the future... but for now ive still got the chicken house chickens so i cant have any
  • <br>Its not cause they lost. It is a terminal show because around here we have lots of cases of bird flu. So they are terminated so it doesnt spread to the huge amount of chickens around where i live.<br><br>oh and just so this dont start nothing lol.... i must put a disclaimer =3 <br>i am not saying any of this to be rude. And i know you arent either. This is in the tone of a friendly discussion and i dont mean to be rude if i seem it *but i hope im not lol* I understand that you are just stating an opinion.. as am i...and were calmly discussin it =3
    <br><br>Do you take yours to county fairs?<br>And I know, no offensive or rudness taken. xD<br>(THis has gotten off topic XD)
  • Avla wrote:
    <br>Its not cause they lost. It is a terminal show because around here we have lots of cases of bird flu. So they are terminated so it doesnt spread to the huge amount of chickens around where i live.<br><br>oh and just so this dont start nothing lol.... i must put a disclaimer =3 <br>i am not saying any of this to be rude. And i know you arent either. This is in the tone of a friendly discussion and i dont mean to be rude if i seem it *but i hope im not lol* I understand that you are just stating an opinion.. as am i...and were calmly discussin it =3
    <br><br>Do you take yours to county fairs?<br>And I know, no offensive or rudness taken. xD<br>(THis has gotten off topic XD)
    <br><br>=3 i just felt like i needed to say so. <br><br>And yes its for <br>the county fair around here. Its only terminal because<br>our highest export for this area is pountry products...<br>So if we had an outbreak of bird flu around here <br>the poultry festival could completely ruin where i live.<br>Im not sayin i LIKE the fact that its a terminal show<br>but i can see why its necessary...<br>especially cuz my families income comes from chickens
  • I own a rescue for all types of animals, I could just not even imagine sending a chicken to the fair and not bringing it back home. But that's just me, I know people that raise animals for income, and I know they would have no problem with it. Just depends on the type of person. <br><br>But anyway, back to rabbits?<br><br>I have quite a few Harlequins, and a Silver Martens bred for May. =]
    Breeding Kennel | Professional Graphics since 2006 | Holding Kennel
  • tell me about it vampy.. you have a bunch of chicken houses and ive walked inside of delias chicken houses.. thousands of chickens.. bird flu would RUIN east texas lol xD btw i want a baby bunny vampy! help me talk my momm into it xD
  • <br>I have quite a few Harlequins, and a Silver Martens bred for May. =]
    <br><br>I think Silver Martins are just GEORGEOUS! <br>Their color gets to me xD i love it.<br>i wanna get some Netherland Dwarfs when<br>i can afford the breeder around here and hopefully<br>get at least one silver martin dwarf lol.<br><br>and @ Garn: Mkay XD Bring her<br>over. she will be charmed by their cuteness<br>and let you have one
  • <span style="font-size:75">Sooo jealous -dies- of your Silver Martin...they are GORGEOUS.<br>Celeste had a mini lop that was blind in one eye (ironically named Pirate...before he even opened his eyes, I think I may have cursed the little guy) who developed wry neck ): poor little bunny just wasn't meant to be healthy.<br>My mom was kinda forced into shock..she was so upset by what happened that she never allowed me to have a bun bun again.<br>But I'm not done fighting. I will have them once I get out of college xD</span>
  • haha deal vampy! *checks calendar* oh btw.. i gotta tell you sumthing uber adorable when you get home! I'll be on my messanger so msg me there or text me! =D
  • I'm not sure how I got into Silver Martens, I always had Harlequins and I took in someones Silver Martens and I just never got rid of them. <br><br>Right now I have Harlequins, Silver Martens, Mini Lops, and Flemish Giants
    Breeding Kennel | Professional Graphics since 2006 | Holding Kennel
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