-thanks Aziu for letting me copy yah :]-<br><br>Yes, I need help with my lines.<br><br>The nice thing is, you'll be bidding with 280/200 w. Aggro to 250.<br>Some of the dogs may be higher starred, others... probably imports or dogs w. near import stats.
<br><br>You are bidding with trainings for the 10 mil I'm offering.<br><br>Now, please keep in mind I'm looking for bidders willing to train about a dog a day or more. Must be sponsor trainers with 100 in training.<br><br>Please post a link to your training kennel with your first bid, as well as 3 examples if you have not trained for me before.<br><br><br>SB: 10 trainings<br>MBI: 5 trainings<br>BIN: 60 trainings<br><br>HB:
<br>Reserve: Not Yet Met<br><br>Happy Bidding ;]