Well, I have a lizard,<br>and I have had her for about a year,<br>she is a collard lizard,<br>she's usually hyper and wants to be held,<br>she jumps right on my shoulder after I take her out of her cage,<br>if she sees me she will jump off her log,<br>go to the edge of the cage and wait to be held.<br>but lately she hasn't been herself,<br>if I go into her room towards her cage,<br>she puffs up and opens her mouth as defense,<br>and -<span style="font-style:italic">if</span> she lets me hold her and isn't defensive-,<br>she has been trying to escape,<br>she jumps out of my hand,<br>which she never does,<br>she also just sits in her log all day,<br>when normally after I turn on her heat lamp,<br>she jumps out and baths in the light,<br>I'm not sure if she's sick,<br>if it is because it is breeding season,<br>or if she just has an attitude problem. <br>And I have been trying to look up things that might be the issue,<br>but I have come up blank.