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the CTRL + V game



  • Non/Disney Crossover - Chel & Kuzco - Girls and Boys
  • <span style="font-size:67">Lillith on the other hand, had been planning this since the beginning. Before. Really, she had been coached on this since she was twelve or thirteen. Her job was to secure her place on the thrones. So of course, she had acted rather thrilled that Vincent had come to find her after his stupid little crush had turned him down. To be honest, there was nothing more sickening than a teenage boy fallen head over heels for some girl. Even more displeasing was the fact that it had not been for her. She was an absolutely stunning young woman, to say the least. Tall, porcelain skinned, thin and only slightly toned. Every other young man in the Red Dynasty was lusting after her as little Vincent was lusting after Amarilla or whatever her name was. So, she had secretly felt rather triumphant as he had put on a brave face and assured her that he would take her to the ball. So that was step 1, completed. Now she had the chance to charm him to make him hers, and plant the thought that it was vice versa. Soon enough it literally would be. Ultimately, the plan involved marriage, but if it did not come soon enough, it would involve the sacrifice of her wafer thin physique to sport a more curvy one. But that was a last resort. If she could help it, Lillith would avoid having children for the rest of her days. They were as pathetic, irksome, and frightful as Vincent.<br><br>He had gone off to the White Dynasty for the day, she knew, which gave her the day to speak with her mother, to have reiterated what she already knew, namely, that she was only there to gain the throne. No amount of hurt prides or broken hearts could halt their carefully laid plans. The plans that had been set in motion on the day of Lillith de Reinegarde had been born. As she returned back to her quarters that evening, to ready herself for the ball, a small inkling of guilty and doubtful thoughts plagued her mind. Of course, these thoughts were gone as soon as she realized that they were there. No, it was what had to be done. And if it meant crushing the souls of Vincent and Amelia in the process, then such would be done. Such had to be done. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to the Reinholds, the Reinegardes had rather dark plans. And unbeknownst to Lillith de Reinegarde, these plans included the slaughter of the Reinholds in order to ascertain the throne. As manipulative and charming Lillith had been raised to be, she had never been told of such a plan, in fear that she would reject it. <br><br>She had sat at her mirror for the longest time, painting herself to a perfect picture, to make herself more desirable to the Red Prince, and once that had been done, allowed the servants to assist her dressing. She wore a black corset and a deep scarlet gown, the first of which had been laced to its tightest, Lillith of course having clung to the bedpost as the laces were pulled to restrict her stomach, her waist, and ultimately, her breathing. She had gasped loudly as the last tug was made and the laces tied. And she had waited an hour or so for him to arrive, a definitive fear of failure chewing away at her insides, refusing to admit that it was more fear that he had decided that she wasn't pretty enough for him or something similar. Lillith, needless to say, was quite a vain creature. And then he had come. Appeared at her door with a loud knock. And he had gazed as he saw her. She liked that. Her ego had been bloated to great extents as the jealous looks on her rivals' faces appeared. <br><br>All of a sudden they were dancing. Whirling around the ballroom, sharing soft words, always in the sight of Amelia. Her own pride had been hurt as a result. And that pain in her chest was certainly physical, and most certainly a result of the great amounts of dancing that the two had been doing all night. The fact that she was breathless didn't come from the fact that he had kissed her, but because her corset was laced to tight. And, the tears in her eyes when he left the room were a result of the light, or else because of the autumn stalks of goldenrod that irritated hayfever symptoms. She had wiped those tears before her group of false friends could see. These were the type of girls who would swoon after the boy who she had unknowingly fallen in love with. The boy who had escorted her here for nothing more but the intent to use her to make the girl, Amelia, jealous. Lillith couldn't deny, she was possibly more beautiful than she. Paler, slighter, more delicate, but with high cheekbones and sharp but lovely eyes. She hated to think that she was losing out to this mere girl, nearly two years younger than she. Oh yes, Amelia held rank above her. Lillith was merely a duchess, while Amelia was a princess, and Lillith was there as a friend to the Queen, while Amelia was on the court. There were plenty of reasons to be jealous, but the fact that Vincent Reinhold was chasing after Amelia was not... could not be, one of them. <br><br>He had come back into the room. Had danced with her until the music stopped, without paying a single glance to Amelia, who still stood at the Champagne table, not having moved at all since Vincent had departed from the room. Lillith had been glad to see the hurt and anger as Amelia had flounced off as Vincent and she had come to a graceful stop. A less stubborn woman might have acknowledged the fluttering of her heart as he placed a kiss upon her hand and told her that it had been a pleasure, but Lillith was much to stubborn to admit that it was that. No, it was simply a result of all the glasses of champagne and wine she had consumed that evening. Nothing more, nothing less. Her heated gaze followed Amelia until she was completely out of sight. Lillith allowed the boy to kiss her again and walk her to her quarters, which were much to close to Amelia's own than she would have liked. As soon as he left, she undressed and replaced her grand ball gown with a more common dress, which she would later change out of into a, more practical for the time, nightgown. <br><br>She took a few long strides down the corridor and rapped on Amelia's door harshly, staring down at the girl who was a few inches shorter than she, especially with the lack of high heeled shoes. "Stay away from Vincent Reinhold. He's over you, and you'll only get hurt like tonight." she told her, harshly. Lillith had a cruel sparkle in her eyes. "He's waiting just now. I told him I had to take care of something, but he's in my bedchambers, sitting on my bed, waiting for me to return." she said, flashing a last pearly white smile before turning around and heading back to her room.</span><br><br><br>and another 1221 words that is. bloody hell. off to bed methinks.

    (email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
  • i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • <img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>for a graphics challenge on a graphics and resource forum Im on

    (email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
  • <span style="font-size:75">Harry Potter 10 <br>Hermione Granger 10 <br>Ron Weasley 10 <br>Tom Marvolo Riddle 10 <br>Lord Voldemort 10 <br>Andromeda Tonks 10 <br>Nymphadora Tonks 10 <br>Bellatrix Lestrange 11 <br>Narcissa Malfoy 10 <br>Lucius Malfoy 10 <br>Draco Malfoy 10 <br>Severus Snape 11 <br>Bill Weasley 10 <br>Molly Weasley 9 <br>Arthur Weasley 10 <br>Charlie Weasley 10 <br>Percy Weasley 10 <br>George Weasley 10 <br>Ginny Weasley 10 <br>Fred Weasley 10 <br>Sirius Black 10 <br>Lavender Brown 10 <br>Millicent Bulstrode 10 <br>Rita Skeeter 10 <br>Cho Chang 10 <br>Viktor Krum 10 <br>Cedric Diggory 10 <br>Colin Creevey 10 <br>Fleur Delacour 10 <br>Gabrielle Delacour 10 <br>Neville Longbottom 10 <br>Albus Dumbledore 10 <br>Dudley Dursley 10 <br>Petunia Dursley 10 <br>Vernon Dursley 10 <br>Lily Potter 10 <br>James Potter 10 <br>Argus Filch 10 <br>Rubeus Hagrid 10 <br>Angelina Johnson 10 <br>Seamus Finnigan 10 <br>Mundungus Fletcher 10 <br>Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody 10 <br>Luna Lovegood 10 <br>Remus Lupin 10 <br>Teddy Lupin 10 <br>Pansy Parkinson 10 <br>Padma Patil 10 <br>Parvati Patil 10 <br>Peter Pettigrew 10</span><br><br><br>:P From Rohesia's Harry Potter game.. I swear I'm not stalking you, Rohesia!
  • i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • <span style="font-size:67"> Harry Potter 10 <br>Hermione Granger 11 <br>Ron Weasley 10 <br>Tom Marvolo Riddle 10 <br>Lord Voldemort 11 <br>Andromeda Tonks 10 <br>Nymphadora Tonks 10 <br>Bellatrix Lestrange 15 <br>Narcissa Malfoy 10 <br>Lucius Malfoy 10 <br>Draco Malfoy 10 <br>Severus Snape 10 <br>Bill Weasley 10 <br>Molly Weasley 4 <br>Arthur Weasley 10 <br>Charlie Weasley 10 <br>Percy Weasley 9 <br>George Weasley 10 <br>Ginny Weasley 10 <br>Fred Weasley 10 <br>Sirius Black 11 <br>Lavender Brown 10 <br>Millicent Bulstrode 10 <br>Rita Skeeter 10 <br>Cho Chang 10 <br>Viktor Krum 10 <br>Cedric Diggory 10 <br>Colin Creevey 9 <br>Fleur Delacour 10 <br>Gabrielle Delacour 10 <br>Neville Longbottom 10 <br>Albus Dumbledore 9 <br>Dudley Dursley 10 <br>Petunia Dursley 10 <br>Vernon Dursley 10 <br>Lily Potter 10 <br>James Potter 10 <br>Argus Filch 11 <br>Rubeus Hagrid 11 <br>Angelina Johnson 10 <br>Seamus Finnigan 10 <br>Mundungus Fletcher 10 <br>Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody 10 <br>Luna Lovegood 9 <br>Remus Lupin 10 <br>Teddy Lupin 10 <br>Pansy Parkinson 10 <br>Padma Patil 10 <br>Parvati Patil 10 <br>Peter Pettigrew 10 </span>
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • <span style="font-size:59">Omg.<br><br>Rant-fest. Oh <span style="font-style:italic"><span style="text-decoration:underline"> joy. </span></span><br><br>I won't bother numbering becuase I can't be bothered to sort through my rants and order them for reading convenience. Sorry.<br><br>Anyways... Here it goes.<br><br>I like this guy (Let's call him Jack). In fact, I was thinking of him when I made my animated siggy banner. vv<br><br>I've liked him for awhile, and it's been growing. We've been friends for a few years along with a bunch of other guys and a couple girls. I recently discovered that (let's call her Kelly) likes Jack too. <br><br>Which is odd, becuase she usually likes short, cute and average intelligence boys (Which is what her previous 5 boyfriends have been). She is short and has average intelligence, so those guys were good matches for her.<br><br>Jack is neither of those. He's tall-ish (I'm 5'5", and he's about 3" taller than me), and he's highly intelligent (We like to compete when it comes to marks, and our averages are even right now, 90). He's also very funny, and he's sweet (to me, at least. Can't say the same about the others.). <br><br>I'm a sucker for brains that match or exceed my own, so... ya. <br><br>Anyways, we both like him, I don't want to share. Kelly said that if he asked me out, I should say yes. But that makes me feel bad, because then I'm stealing him from her... also the chances of that happening are slim, becuase when my best friend "Julie" got "Devin" to interrogate him after she discovered this, he said</span><br><br>
    My parents think I'm too mature to date.
    <br><br><span style="font-size:59">Lovely. Also, he isn't one for dating (he's never dated, same with me).<br><br>I just don't know what to do... I don't want to tell him because it would make Kelly feel bad, but I want him to know...<br><br>Oh my lord... as if drama levels aren't high enough right now in our little group, one of my bffs is moving away. Forever.<br><br>This will be the THIRD time one of my close friends moved away. In grade 5, my bff moved away to YELLOWKNIFE. In grade 7, my bff moved away to CALIFORNIA. And now, my bff is moving away to either SASKATCHEWAN, or BRITISH COLUMBIA.<br><br>And after my amazing week at minicourses (Courses on a variety of subjects at a University for a week, either Carleton or Ottawa U.) and feeder school tours yesturday with band, I am now a full 6 days behind in school. Fun. And I have a science test tomorrow on stuff I haven't even learned yet.<br><br>GRAWR! <br><br>Cookies if you read all that.<br></span><br>It's a rant...
  • Harry Potter 10 <br>Hermione Granger 11 <br>Ron Weasley 10 <br>Tom Marvolo Riddle 10 <br>Lord Voldemort 12 <br>Andromeda Tonks 10 <br>Nymphadora Tonks 10 <br>Bellatrix Lestrange 15 <br>Narcissa Malfoy 10 <br>Lucius Malfoy 10 <br>Draco Malfoy 10 <br>Severus Snape 10 <br>Bill Weasley 10 <br>Molly Weasley 4 <br>Arthur Weasley 10 <br>Charlie Weasley 10 <br>Percy Weasley 9 <br>George Weasley 10 <br>Ginny Weasley 10 <br>Fred Weasley 10 <br>Sirius Black 11 <br>Lavender Brown 10 <br>Millicent Bulstrode 10 <br>Rita Skeeter 10 <br>Cho Chang 10 <br>Viktor Krum 10 <br>Cedric Diggory 10 <br>Colin Creevey 9 <br>Fleur Delacour 10 <br>Gabrielle Delacour 10 <br>Neville Longbottom 10 <br>Albus Dumbledore 9 <br>Dudley Dursley 10 <br>Petunia Dursley 10 <br>Vernon Dursley 10 <br>Lily Potter 10 <br>James Potter 10 <br>Argus Filch 11 <br>Rubeus Hagrid 11 <br>Angelina Johnson 10 <br>Seamus Finnigan 10 <br>Mundungus Fletcher 10 <br>Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody 9 <br>Luna Lovegood 9 <br>Remus Lupin 10 <br>Teddy Lupin 10 <br>Pansy Parkinson 10 <br>Padma Patil 10 <br>Parvati Patil 10 <br>Peter Pettigrew 10 <br><br>Whoo. :3<br>_________________<br><br>from that game (:
    name is britti elizabeth :D
  • "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /></a><br><br>I was editing something for adoptables :D
    Please PM if I win anything.
  • <img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Rofl. <3<br><span style="font-size:59">and thank you Pishy! That's my eggy XD <333</span>
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .

    (email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
  • i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • O.o Never played this game before ^^<br><br>Umm.<br><br>Let's see...<br><br>*ctrl+V*<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>=O A picture! xD

    (email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
  • <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... c2a469.jpg</a><br><br>and no, thats not me lol. (I look rather similar, but no, that's my mate kaitlyn.)

    (email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
  • i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
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