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a few things i would like crit on..

ok, new character. i found that i couldnt draw Garret for the life of me, but he was getting a little old anyways, and i needed a different character for mi book im, Lowell is his name, he's an extremely old Vampyre (this is an extremely fictional book) and his father's "enemy" Arcus Roalk sent a werewolf after him a few decades back so he has a disgrace of wolf ears instead of normal people ears. but anyway:<br><br>Lowell:<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>Other:<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; -weasel thingy<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; -akita mix wolf thingy majigger<br><br>any critique or anything?


  • the weaslething is cute. =D
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • thanks. me and sam were talking about how we would get like an army of cuteness if they were real. :lol:
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">For your humans, your chin is too round. You want to make it more inward if you get what I mean..<br>The eyes are wonderful to me!<br>The hair is a little flat.. Its ok but to add more Pi-Zaz, make more layers noticeable. <br>The nose doesn't really fit... Try making it a little bigger for guys and if you want, small for females. <br>If you going to make a small nose, make sure the eyes are big. You have to judge your nose off the eyes..<br>The eyes are on the second one are cute! The first, they go inward.. I don't know if you meant to do that, <br>but if not the maybe straightening them out or putting them in different position would add more emotion and it would be cute. lol<br>I hope I wasn't harsh.. These are things that my friend, Ash has constantly bothered me about.. lol XD<br>You have talent, thats for sure. Just a little bit more practice... ^_-<br><br>All in all, real good!<br><br>- The animal ones are cuties!! :D</span></span>
  • One other thing that Bobbeh didn't say on the human---<br><br>I think the eye is too far, if there was another eye there showing instead of hair, it'd look weird. >.>.. if you know what I mean.
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">Oh yes, Mondy I didn't notice that.. lol You could try inching it a bit over. :wink: </span></span>
  • thanks both of you, ill keep that in mind.<br><br>about the eye, about the being too far in. i was aiming for his head to be like, not staight on but kind of like..looking to the side or something. but i wasnt sure. :? <br><br>but thank you very much. :)
  • Then if it was turned to the side, the chin would also have to be turned. ^.^<br><br>Some pointers.
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
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