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edited May 2009 in General Discussion
I actually feel like leaving the forum and stopping making graphics for people because everywhere I turn there is someone copying my ideas and styles, when they have never been done before. I can't even tell you how irritating and frustrating that is. I learned making graphics all by myself when I wasn't even playing VP and through hours and hours of practice and now people are taking my ideas and being paid for plagiarism. The least they could do is ask, but guess that's too hard. :x So just a heads up, copying other people's stuff is not cool, and it's not going to get you anywhere in the end... neither will you learn anything.
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.


  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue"> ... Can't you report someone for plagiarism on this game?<br>I'm not sure... :? </span></span>
  • I don't think so. :roll: <br><br>It isn't doing anything honestly.<br><br>They're taking tips from your ideas, they'll never -have- your exact styles.<br><br>They admire it, so they try to make something somewhat like it.<br><br>Nothing that bad. :roll:
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • Nah, I'm serious. I would report it if I could but no one's going to care anyway.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">I do know where your coming from.<br>You try and have a little bit of originality, and people just go and do the exact same thing.<br><br>What Mondy said is true however, people like it, so they try it too.<br>It's a compliment as well, that your style is well liked.<br><br>But I agree that people should try and create their own style, and stop feeding off others ideas.</span></span>
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">Your style to me reina will always be original :wink: -huggles-</span></span>
  • Um...<br><br>Plagiarism refers to text, only, so...
  • The dictionary says nothing about text. -- the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • Ah, well, was using an online encyclopedia - pardon my confusion! :D
  • It's ok. I'm kind of over it now... but still. When it's very obvious someone has copied me it's frustrating but I guess I can't "claim" a style, not on the internet. Heck, anything you post on the internet can be taken.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • You haven't been doing it for years and years and years - with practice comes style. If you get frustrated, ignore the work of others. With time, your skill will prevent others from attempting to copy you, as their lack of skill will become evident very quickly.
  • .... I never said I've been doing it for years and years and years.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • Xaetian wrote:
    You haven't been doing it for years and years and years - with practice comes style. If you get frustrated, ignore the work of others. <span style="font-weight:bold">With time, your skill will prevent others from attempting to copy you, as their lack of skill will become evident very quickly.</span>
    <br><br>Just a compliment, and some encouragement - keep your chin up!
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