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Eyo ^^

I'm new to the forums.<br><br>This is <span style="font-weight:bold">Lena</span>. I'm happy to be on here. I love VP now that I really do play.<br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Lena Lena<br>BoomSilena<br>Chimmity Chime <br>What a nice rhyme :P</span><br><br>I'd like to thank BobCat. or Katy ^^ for making me love VP. She is thee best. Sqweee!


  • Welcome always happy to see new people joining! :lol:
  • Thankies :]<br><br>You guys are wonderful.
  • welcome :) the forums is what makes the game good :) when i joined them less than a year ago, i had about 100k and was a novice with no achviements. now i have 19mill, bought a sp. kennels for 50mill with a parter, and got a 10x4 greyhound. most of that was within a month :) good luck!

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
    Want help with graphics making? Just PM me!
  • I can't do anything :P
  • haha, neither could i XD, maybe post a wanted ad to see if you can share a sp. kennel, or rent one. if you have refs. it would help. maybe find a partner, join the sponcer novice help club, enter competions ect. :) maybe download photoshop trial and make some graphics ect. or download GIMP for free, theres lots of things to make money :D

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
    Want help with graphics making? Just PM me!
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">Awww, I love the name Marshie!! :D <br>This is BobCat. lol<br><br>I'm glad you made a forums account!<br>*huggles*</span></span>
  • Me too ^^<br><br>-huggles katy-<br><br>Thanks Woods! If I can call you that?
  • Hello, the name is PishPosh, you can call me whatever >.<<br>Nice to meet you ^.^
    Please PM if I win anything.
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">Hey! Nice to meet you. :D<br>You can call me Horse, most people do. That's the name I go by on chat, you should try popping in there! Lots of friendly people. 8D<br><br>Would you prefer to be called Lena or Marshie? ;o</span></span>
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • Hai, you can call me Dusty :D I agree with woodpecker, the forums are awesome xD<br>If you need any help with vp, you can pm me or whatever :] always fun to get new members ^w^ hope you like it!
  • hiya. =D Nice to see a new face on VP ^.^<br><br>You can call me a lot of things.. Most commonly Kibs, Ailora [Ail], or Mondy. xD<br><br>If you ever need help, feel free to PM me or catch me on chat sometimes. I've been playing for 3+ years now and I don't plan on stopping =P<br><br>So, I'll be here. ^.^<br><br>-huggles-
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • Hay ;D<br>Welcome to VP. :]<br><br>I'm known mostly as Bluey. But on chat it can be a mixture of lots of different names, but most common it's Buey or Blueyy or Flooder. x]<br><br>Hope you have a good time here ;]
  • Thanks Everyone :D<br><br>Anyone can call me w.e<br><br>Nice to meet you all. PM if you'd ever like to chat :]
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">Hehe, look at how many friend you have Marshie<br><br>I told you you would get loads! lol :D :lol: </span></span>
  • Omg... A friend of bobcat. lol<br>Well I am a friend of hers and she is so nice.<br>And if you ever need help or just someone to talk to I am usualy here :D
  • Bonjour. :D<br>Welcome to VPF.<br>The forums are really helpful. A real plus, lol.<br>Its always great to see someone new.
  • and heres another one! :D Welcome to vp. It's an awesome game and I'm glad ur enjoying it so far. Pm me if you ever want to chat or something
  • Mesaage me. Everyone ^^
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