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edited May 2009 in Vent
Humm. So, as some of you know, my boyfriend, David, is an archaeologist, and his company won out a bid on a dig in France where they found mass graves. So really and truly I am excited for him and happy for him, but it means that he is leaveing until July. Not only do I not particularly like being there alone... (there's a creepy little boy across the road that tends to stare into my living room unblinking and unmoving *shudder*) but we've been going on strong for about eight months. I love him like mad, and hate the prospect of being without him for two months... it's a bit unreal and will be until he's actually gone, and it all sinks in finally. anyway. yeah, whiney and short post, I suppose, but I felt like venting, so.. yeah. Tis also the reason why I wont be around much this weekend, as we're renting a hotel room, for a special weekend as he's leaveing nearly first thing monday morning. <br>Also, I must ask that those with age issues keep their comments on that subject to themselves ;]

(email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )


  • poor ro.. couldnt you of gone with him? and about the creepy little boy.. you should draw the curtains.. lol, or buy one of those ventriolquist dummies, and sit it on a chair looking at the window XD

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    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
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  • I would definitely go with him if I didnt have my exams to sit, but unfortunately, if I missed those, I'd have to resit the entire courses for Psychology, Biology, and History (two years) again, as there's a new syllabus for everyone under my year : (<br>hehe the boy would probably continue to stare, which is still just creepy. And the pipes are noisy here, so it always sounds like someone's walking around o_o tis mad. And then, my mate in the USA (roleplaying friend) was attempting to freak me out about the 'Spy kid' as we've deemed him. Anyway, I've drawn the curtain now, but I'm quite sure he's still watching *shudders again*<br>But really, he just sits there all day staring into the front room! And I've yet to see an adult...

    (email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
  • aah,, the exam things quite hard, itsnt it trespassing to stand like that? how old is the boy XD if he has a computer there you can get webcams and talk and stuff..

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
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  • That sucks. :|<br><br><br>I know how it is,<br>my boyfriend lives in a different state,<br>-8 hours away-<br>but next year in January I'm moving in with him.<br>I don't see why people have age issues,<br>my boyfriend is actually younger than me,<br>not by like a landslide,<br>but by a few months,<br>I actually found him more mature<br>than the older guys I have dated. :roll:
  • @ woodpecker: well, Spy kid is probably somewhere between seven and ten, but I have a feeling you meant the beau, who is thirty three.<br>Yep I've recently invested in skype, and also, I get incoming international calls on my mobile for free, so that's alright. Its more the fact that I won't be able to cuddle with him after a long day, or slow dance in the middle of the night with a glass of wine in hand, or watch reruns of doctor who and torchwood snuggled up on the sofa with him all day, or laze around in pajamas until two or three PM... or even doing the dishes and other housework in general with him. <br><br>@ pandalove: aw 8 hours? that's sucky : ( my boyfriend is about two and a half hours away from where I am (on weekdays and non-holidays, at least) and even that's a bit hard. Of course, the weekends and days that I dont have college make up for that. Kudos on dating younger, and I'm glad that its working out well :] good luck on moving in with him ^^

    (email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
  • rohesia wrote:
    <br>@ pandalove: aw 8 hours? that's sucky : ( my boyfriend is about two and a half hours away from where I am (on weekdays and non-holidays, at least) and even that's a bit hard. Of course, the weekends and days that I dont have college make up for that. Kudos on dating younger, and I'm glad that its working out well :] good luck on moving in with him ^^
    <br><br>Yeah, I think it's going to be hard next school year,<br>I am visiting him until July,<br>then I go back home to finish school. :?<br><br>And I wish you luck with your boyfriend. :wink: <br><br>I would have sleep overs, <br>so your not lonely. :lol: <br><br>That's what one of my friends does,<br>-her husband is in the army-<br>so she has sleep overs so that she isn't alone all the time. :D
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