That is absolutely amazing, hon :] <br>I am in awe. <br>the only thing I would critique is the header and your use of brushes and textures. remember that simple is cleaner, and therefore good!!
(email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
That is absolutely amazing, hon :] <br>I am in awe. <br>the only thing I would critique is the header and your use of brushes and textures. remember that simple is cleaner, and therefore good!!
<br><br>Awwh, thanks Rose (:<br>Your good advice will not go unoticed =D
<span style="font-size:75">I would pay around... 750k<br>(I am terrible with prices, but I would pay that much, maybe more) for one.<br><br>I definitely like it! <33<br><br>As Rohesia has stated, the banner would look a tad better with less brushes and blends.<br><br>...But I'm a simple person xD</span>
I can't wait till you open again..<br><br>how much do you charge?
<br><br>Not sure, probably one million, but I'd take unmade imports, kickbutt graphics, dyes/sponsors (pshh, I dream), as trades too.<br><br>I'm so happy everyone likes it ! -dances-
(email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
15/100 mill
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .