I am going on a school trip Wednesday-Friday. I will be out of state, and off the computer. I will not be on chat, and I think I may never really come back. <br><br>I just waste time here, I needa start living life more. If you're my friend and wish to contact me, pc me for like, my cell number or something. Sorry, I will miss you all, and will visit at some times when I can.
Please PM me if I win anything.
- Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
Want help with graphics making? Just PM me!
(email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t